This is the official blog for Our Dirty Pleasure | Regulated and updated by brown2318 | Latest updates regarding ODP

The server is being shitty once more

Just figured I should post a blog post here this time, the site is being ridiculously slow once more. We can't do much about it, so don't bother reporting it at all. CN said something about switching to his own server, but by the time he gets on the server might have sorted itself out (for a couple of days until it all happens all over again, apparently).

Calm Down Dos

PhpBB has a major bug (that the developers won't recognize as an actual bug because they apparently cannot reproduce it) that causes the server MYSQL database to lock up from continuous requests to the database or something.

Anyway, there's nothing we can do about it. Brown has to contact his host and tell them to reboot the mysql database so it can get rid of locked up requests.

So... dunno how long that'll take.

Calm Down!

So I forgot to pay the server bill on time because I was busy playing with Fireworks, and you lot thought I'd done a runner?! ;P

All the staff members now have a proper, non-ODP email for me which they can get in touch with me... and I've changed my invoice to a subscription which will make it automatic.

O.K, so I've been away for a while... and will continue being a way for a little longer - but seriously, I wouldn't abandon ODP - the amount of time and money invested by me and the staff!

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the Firework period!

Panic Over!

Not only do we have a brand-spanking new server... but, the domain has also be renewed. Ppppphhhhhheeeeewwwwww!

Also... LOL @ this:


Oh, and the new server IP is ""... so you may want to change your hosts file or clear your cache or whatever.

Severe Downtime.

Just when the good got going, the rug was pulled from under our feet. The website has been down for a while now, and it doesn't look like it's going to be back up for a while. The shit hosts website is also down as well, so I can't even log in to see if I got a reply to my fucking ticket.

Oh boy. Next month, I swear.

We're up!

Lads and Lasses, we're back up again... :-)

Under Development


The website is getting modified today and tomorrow. Can't tell you when we'll be back up and running again, but it's about time I got some of these modifications installed and updated the security stuff. Will take a while because I'll be getting some heavy stuff installed... but stay tuned.

Published 13:12 GMT/UTC | 18 August 2011

ODP is down down down down down...

... doooooowwwwwnnnnn doooooowwwwwwnnnnn... ODP is down down down down down.

(In the tune to Down by Jay Sean =D)

Published 20:57 UTC / GMT | 24 July 2011

Fucking Hosts...

We. Are. Down... Again.

Published 23:44 UTC/GMT | 21 July 2011


Don't have a fucking clue what went wrong there, but this is the last straw with the current hosts. We're moving as we speak... :)

First time for May

Oh this one has been horrific long hasn't it? I can't seem to get online at all for the last 12 hours. Fucking hosts. Well, what else can we do? Never mind - lets cross our fingers and hope we're back up soon... = [


... we're down.

Published 19:04 UTC/GMT | 14 March 2011


Nothing we can do apart from pray.


Published 09:32 UTC/GMT | 12 March 2011


... but we're down. Not much I can do guys, looks like we're going to have to sit it out and wait until the hosts wake up. There's not much point contacting them, because by the time I get a response the apocolypse would have been over, and we'd all be wiped off the face of the earth.

On a different note, let's show our huge condolences to Japan. Absolute shocking news, probably will be without doubt the greatest natural disaster of this decade. The 6th largest Earthquake ever with a rating of 8.9 on the scale. Traumatic; our thoughts are with those whom are suffering, and let's just hope they start to repair the awful and massive devastation caused.

Published 17:07 UTC/GMT | March 11 2011

For F**k SAKE!

We're experiencing downtime guys. I was right in the middle of something as well! :(

Published 02:05 UTC/GMT @ 28 February 2011

We're down.

Again. To my surprise, it hasn't happened for two whole weeks! But, then they go and spoil our fun.

Published 16:08 UTC/GMT | 24 February 2011

Guess What!

... how did you know? Well, you're right: we're down AGAIN. :(

Published 22:51 UTC/GMT | 09 February 2011

Speed isn't great

... as the post title suggest, the site is running extremely slow. *Sighs*

Published 11:03 UTC/GMT | 09 February 2011

We're down...

Yup, we're down. Down down down down down. All we can do it wait... :(  The first thing we're doing with the donations we raise is a DEDICATED SERVER! :D

Published 23:12 UTC/GMT | 08 February 2011

3 TIMES in the same DAY...

... and the day isn't even over yet! Yep, it's down again. For f**k sake - honestly guys, I'm paying a premium from this service and this is what I get? Argh! It's annoying me just as much as you guys. I'm contacting the host - but I doubt I'll get a response any time soon.

Published 18:07 UTC/GMT | 06 February 2011

... and we're down

... it's not just you, don't worry. More downtime.

Published 16:43 UTC/GMT | 06 February 2011

Very very slow...

... not much of a surprise there. Sorry guys... like I say, I don't have any idea why we're experiencing such poor service, but it's only temporary.

Publised 16:31 UTC/GMT | 06 February 2011

Severe Downtime

Sorry guys, we're experiencing severe downtime. Trying to contact the host is useless... not only do I not get an answer, but I also can't log into my Client Control Panel (it's been down for a few days)... nor can I log into my cPanel.

Can't wait to get a Dedicated Server... I haven't got a clue when the downtime will clear, you're guess is just as good (if not better) than mine - so unfortunately I know just as much as you do at this stage. I'll keep you updated.

Published 20:40 UTC/GMT | 05 February 2011