This is the official blog for Our Dirty Pleasure | Regulated and updated by brown2318 | Latest updates regarding ODP
Hey CN!
Just to clarify, when you said you'd send MN and me the database and file backups "during the weekend", you meant the weekend of December 21st, 2012 right?
@HurpDurp ------ How will Access to the "Ultimate VIP" Portion be conducted? If/When The site goes back up, will it be based upon SP(Share Points) - Or will it be through Paying, or both. ------ I am curious of how it will work, If I do remember correctly it we going to be based upon the amount of Share Points due to PayPal not accepting "Donations". ------ Will there even be "Ultimate VIP"?
I personally think we should do Away with the "Ultimate VIP" Section, for one. Regardless of the fact people were not allowed to post in the Non VIP areas, you'd still see people claiming they Uploaded a new file, when someone else already Had it in "Ultimate VIP". ------ If something like "Ultimate VIP" will be there, I belive it should function based upon trust. For instance if Member A uploaded a file to "Ultimate VIP" it stays there Unless stated otherwise in post/rules, Then Member B Takes the file and Posts it in the Non Vip area without permission. Thus revoking his/her right to enter the "Ultimate VIP" Section. ----------
..What? It was against the rules to take something from VIP and post it outside of VIP. In fact, posting stuff from VIP elsewhere didn't just make you lose your VIP, it made you lose your whole membership entirely. (This includes both the regular, non-VIP section of ODP as well as on other websites. If we could figure out who you are, we would ban you.)
The only people allowed to post something from the VIP in the regular member section were the people who originally made threads in the VIP section (which is why I occasionally told people requesting for things in VIP to go PM the guy who posted it).
I'm not sure what the first part of your message is referring to however. Was it that time when Brown temporarily suspended file posting so he could implement the FileAdder?
Actually if I remember correctly, the money that purchased/donated VIP was to/for the previous owner of OurDirtyPleasure. The monies for VIP were before Brown bought the board.
The only people during Brown's ownership that became VIP earned that privilege by posting files and helping to contribute to the boards material.
We rewarded people who really contributed by making them VIP when they earned it.
Brown did it for like a month before closing it up for good to allow people who previously purchased VIP from DP to keep it after he restructured for "Ultimate VIP".
Man, how depressing. Are you guys waiting until everyone loses interest and stops checking in before you reboot this sucker? Good plan, actually. I approve.
No. We want people who are actually going to participate in the community. Not stupid hypnowhales and subs reporting links. Not to mention spammers and leechers.
How? This would require more work for everyone involved, because the site won't look or feel like the original in any way whatsoever.
We'd have to remake EVERY board. There were at least over a hundred and fifty. We'd have set up all the permissions for each board manually, per board and per group (10 groups at 100 boards = 1000 permissions).
And all of this would go to waste when all of the links are deleted 4 minutes after they're posted because of all the whales joining.
There's not a single positive thing about this idea.
>Your idea makes them lose everything, least of all their proper status as a very important person to our community.
Now they have nothing. What can they lose?
You can organize the recovery status. Come up with a few questions, the answers to which can only know VIPs. They should have files that are not in the public domain. Share = status recovery.
>By the way, I'm now ignoring you until you grow a pair and start using your ODP username.
Gmaer. I only had time to write a couple of posts before closing.
>Gmaer Now I get why you're so adamant about us being public! Your account was on the inactive list!
> Now they have nothing. What can they lose? Apparently they'll be losing enough for them to CONSTANTLY ask whether or not they'll still have VIP when the site starts up again in the comments on this blog over nine thousand different times.
It's a .txt of all the people phpBB output with the parameters I inserted into the prune script that I then had to manually go through individually to confirm whether or not their account should really be removed.
And those two people haven't sent me any messages in awhile, so I don't even know if either of them are still interested in "paying the bills".
Also, it wasn't just the database I needed, I needed the whole website backup (the .php files). Restoring the database without all of the EDITED phpBB files would BREAK THE WEBSITE because phpBB is shit-tier. ಠ_ಠ
I've said it multiple times, but here it goes again. Do not link to copyright infringing materials.
This includes linking to websites that link to copyrighted material. (Yes, that means NO Google links either.)
I don't know about you, but I'd rather this blog be online so I can tell you when and where ODP starts back up (because it's no longer a .com, I already own the new domain name).
Yes, having the blog taken down would sort of ruin everything, and I for one would like to be informed of the new site's url, as well as when it is up. If the blog is gone, that might not happen.
Good to see some progress getting the site back up. IMO new domain name is progress if. Com is not going to be used. So any clues to the new dot,'what???' extension ?
I would be happy if the site came back just to discuss hypnosis again. Even if all we did was review mistress's files and discuss new ones and share self made content, i'd be totally fine with that.
Hey everyone, I have good news! ODP will be restored in it's original state and will be up and running within the next week. All old members who have filled in a REAL email address will receive an email with the new url.
Nah man, I'm just screwing with you. TEEHEE. Also, cocks.
Actually, I've gotten over half a dollar from that image. So it's been viewed over 500 times.
As soon as I got your email CN, I sent MN an email asking "WUTDO" before emailing Legina cuz he (MN) showed interest in hosting it himself previously. He replied later on that day saying "wait three days", 4 days later I again send him an email asking "WUT DO" to which he said "wait until Wednesday".
So... Now you're all caught up. You could've just emailed me if you wanted to know. ◉︵◉
Also as to reply to DarkstarRidenow's post below, yes, that joke was intended to scare people who didn't fill in a real email address. I get why people wouldn't want to use a real email with a porn related board though, hence the reason I used my secondary account which doesn't include my full name. Everyone should have a secondary account for sites they don't want their real name associated with..
Yeah, I don't understand why people don't use legitimate emails either. I can understand not using your email you use for personal things, but why the hell can't you just make a spam email?
st00p, your joke actually hit on one of my pet peeves as a Global Moderator. I have a problem with seeing faked/junk email addresses that were listed under the User's information.
I really do hope the info gets sent to the email address that members listed in their accounts. I know there will be quiet a few members that would/will never get the new information.
Understand my reasoning on the valid emails though. If we needed to contact a User concerning a post, approving a posting, problems, etc. we had 3 options.
1 - PM on the board. Problem is some people never looked at their PMs. I know I had PMs that were never looked at for months. 2 - Open posts on the Forum. Addes useless traffic, airs private matters, etc. Really not effective. 3 - email the User. If no valid email address then then wasn't even an option.
The other point about the valid email address was if an account was and/or got deactivated, the reactivation email would never reach the User.
Anyone knows what this is? Small amount of posts on it are from July.. Don't know if something's still going on there? Anyway, miss the site alot. Can't seem to find good stuff on the internet anywhere.
That's not us. I wouldn't go there if I were you, going there might set off a trap card and you'll find yourself in prison or getting over nine thousand dollars in lawsuits.
I was a member of the old site, not overly active but I did have a few share points to my name, and I'm curious about what's going on with the new site. I'm not sure what email address I signed up with anymore or if my spam filter would have grabbed any emails regarding a new site. I'd be glad for an update regarding this.
You are a bunch of idoits if you don't understand Hurps sarcasm till now. The site will never come up. CN has disappeared and along with him the database. Hurp is an incompetend and lazy idiot. Thats why he never ever came to the solution to start the site again from scratch on the variours servers offered to him.
Bluemoby said he is no longer offering us a server because he doesn't have any time to maintain the website (so it's GOOD thing we never started using his site, which would have not been anything like the original ODP and none of us liked that idea) and Legina will not reply to my email at all. Also, "variours"? How is two various?
You were right about me being sarcastic in my last comment, however. The site is not back yet, that's why no one has received any emails.
Hang in there Hurp. Wish it were easier to collaborate on getting this up and running... as it is, I can't imagine how that could happen, esp if people weren't connected via other means before the lapse in the site. What a stupid way to go down... I really hope you and whoever steps up can get this together. Less for the files than for the honest assessment of the dommes' wares. No paid infomercials, no slaves guumming up the reviews - just like minded people giving critiques and heads up. I felt better buying files after getting a better idea of them from ODP. I honestly haven't bought a file since (not for being vindictive, but because a 30 second sample isn't enough for me to trust anything enough to spend 30-50 bucks at a pop on a file that will probably be disappointing). ODP helped separate the wheat from the chaff, and that's what I'll miss most about it (until it's triumphant return). See, still hopeful! -Bug
I recently thought up a new idea for ODP (that I already told MN about, but no one else) that would probably piss off a lot of the user base EXCEPT people like you, the main target audience of the whole website (that is to say, people who review the recordings and help us find out what is shit and is not shit).
It would require a lot of participation on the website if you really want to be able to download stuff. Way better than Brown's original idea for activity every so often, this would essentially force activity at least once a day.
I was waiting for the site to come back before asking what the other staff thought about it but... ┐(‘~`;)┌
Just wondering how this would effect users who don't frequently have anything valuable to say or don't use erotic hypnosis on a regular basis? Personally I only get time once or twice a month and I can see a number of people would face the same issue.
Activity once a day. Well, good luck with that. I'm fairly high up in certain 'scenes' and for some of my access I dont even connect every single week. What if someone get's sick for half a month, loses internet, has to move, vacations, work, school, etc.
Not everyone here has a lazy schedule once they're home from work at 5 sharp and losing access to sections or losing access entirely after such a short timespan would essentially kill your shit off fast leaving only a small group of elitists running the show.
I don't think you're thinking about a community here but something in the range of running an ftp site with ratios and quotas.
I'll add though that back in the day I would log in to ODP nearly every single day. That wouldn't mean I was actively participating every single day though. Participating to participate will only get you bad content and uninteresting topics.
You're VIP. This doesn't affect you (as much). ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
About people replying: It'll make more sense once it actually comes out (assuming it does), but in short posting longer messages helps you more. Spamming will obviously not help you and cause you to lose your account completely. And before anyone asks, yes, the site would still be invite only, so spamming and losing your account is probably not a good idea. Also, my idea not only encourages constructive and helpful criticism of hypnotists, but also encourages sharing because sharing helps you to be able to download stuff yourself. Oh, and it also makes the likelihood of files being reported drop substantially.
Granted, we'll probably have to hire a few more staff members (LOLUWANTANONPAYINGJOBLOL?) but that's fine by me.
Also, keep in mind it's only an idea I thought up while taking a shit. Other than MN, no one knows about it. Hell, I don't even know if it's even feasible. I can't code any language for shit, so unless one of the other staff members is able to (CN is the only know I'm aware of with this knowledge, but he's been increasingly busy as of late in his real life) it more than likely won't happen.
no more like he said "sod it, not worth fighting" and deleted the site (according to IRC also all the backup data etc). Essentially he took the Gintoki approach :| but tbh I don't blame the guys, they tried to play ball and forgot that the people they are playing with would rather steal the ball than play fair.
In regard to the new domain name, I might have possibly effed up and forgotten which of my many email accounts I entered here, so if a new url was posted to it I wouldn't be able to find it, which would suck for obvious reasons...would all the accounts be the way they were before?
I, for one, am not. But is anyone really at this point? The only ones in 'charge' would be the handful of people who have a precious db laying on their hd's waiting to be imported again.. I believe we should meet up on IRC. (in b4 IRC is insecure!!!, no it's not). I'm not suggesting IRC for filesharing, for chat. Either that or a decent subreddit.
IRC channel. I would make it myself, but sadly MN needs to find a server that doesn't disconnect his internet, supports IP cloaking, allows vHost requesting that doesn't require an account for multiple weeks (these last two are my requirements) and allows TOR connections.
It's actually not easy to fill all of those conditions. In fact, he hasn't found one yet (and as far as I know has been looking since JULY).
Very strange requirements. If you have ip cloaking why do you need vhost support? No one can make a case based on knowing the ISP alone (result of partial cloaking). TOR connections are obviously banned on most because it is used for ban evasion, using TOR for IRC is total bull anyway and I'd even go as far as to say it's even more insecure. Might as well rent an offshore vps then. Anyway, despite all that I'd say LinkNet ( is a good option. I regard it as one of the most secure public networks around, doesn't require an account, cloaks ip's and has encrypted server-2-server connections as well as server-2-client connections. As for staying connected, if that is a major problem there are several ways to keep your connection alive through scripts that can be written in ~20 seconds. All I need to know is your client (better be mIRC if you're on windows).
Last but not least, the official TOR channel is on OFTC, I assume TOR connections are allowed there.
>If you have ip cloaking why do you need vhost support? No one can make a case based on knowing the ISP alone (result of partial cloaking).
...Umm... Because not all of the IP address it actually cloaked? For example, if your IP is 12.34.567.890 and you have Comcast as your Internet Service Provider and live in Tennessee, you'd normally see "" without cloaking. With cloaking you'd see something like "". That's still telling you where that person lives (Tennessee) and what Service Provider they have (Comcast).
Now what happens if you bought 5 new files on Isabella's site (and claimed you bought them) and posted them on ODP and she's lurking the chat? What if she sees you log on and see your obfuscated Tennessee Comcast IP? What if you're the only person who lives in Tennessee with Comcast that bought those file files on her website..? Have fun getting sued. C'mon, str00p this is self evident! How can you not realize it!?
For everyone else who doesn't care about getting ass raped (IE, someone who IS NOT ME), the cloak should be enough. Plus sometimes the vhost doesn't activate quick enough. You'll totally see the IP in that case! D=
>As for staying connected, if that is a major problem there are several ways to keep your connection alive through scripts that can be written in ~20 seconds. All I need to know is your client (better be mIRC if you're on windows). MN uses Linux, but I do believe it's MIRC.
OFTC supports neither vhost or cloaking. I can see my real IP when I whois myself (I started two separate connects and whoised the one connection on the other).
You dont have to explain to me how IRC cloaking works, I've been on irc 24/7 for the past 12 years. Like I said, you can't make a case based on knowing the ISP, not even if you know the area someone is in. Furthermore, I already stated IRC wouldn't be for filesharing, and if it would be, trusted members can share links in private and ofcourse use a blowfish plugin for mirc/xchat for key sharing. Thirdly, if you buy files and share them use a proxy on the sites you buy from for added security if you're really paranoid about people linking you to your shares. Pay with prepaid CC's (this is in no way an encouragement for anyone reading this to circumvent security and/or buy files to illegally share them later). Also, I use a BNC on IRC anyway, but I understand not everyone has access to one.
I havent tested OFTC myself, I just figured it would support TOR connections since the official chan is there, my real suggestion was LinkNet, which is also commonly used for scene and security related shit.
Last but not least, I can contact the OPERs from a private IRCD that I know and might be able to arange access for us there. Cloaking, vhosts, entirely private and TOR allowed.
>Like I said, you can't make a case based on knowing the ISP, not even if you know the area someone is in.
I disagree. You probably wouldn't lose the case, but you'll still likely get a lawsuit. (Or at least the THREAT of a lawsuit, which is what normally scares people into stopping. Yes, let's reduce the number of people who actually DO share stuff in this already niche as fuck niche. Or, you know, do my idea and not have anyone complaining about anything.)
> Furthermore, I already stated IRC wouldn't be for filesharing
And I never said it was. I was referring to the actual website or any other piracy related website (such as Hiddenchan).
> Thirdly, if you buy files and share them use a proxy on the sites you buy from for added security if you're really paranoid about people linking you to your shares. Pay with prepaid CC's (this is in no way an encouragement for anyone reading this to circumvent security and/or buy files to illegally share them later).
That wouldn't help for already purchased files or people who didn't think about that originally.
Or in my case: being too much of a lazy faggot to give a shit about not using real informatin.
>my real suggestion was LinkNet, which is also commonly used for scene and security related shit.
LinkNet is out of the question because nicknames and channels cannot be registered. It's totally redundant if anyone can claim to be me and own the ODP channel. Also, if anyone is claiming to be me or any other staff from ODP and owns an ODP channel, they aren't us. Don't trust them. I don't care if that's less secure, I don't want people saying they're me. :(
>Last but not least, I can contact the OPERs from a private IRCD that I know and might be able to arange access for us there. Cloaking, vhosts, entirely private and TOR allowed.
MN would need to see if it accepts his Internet first. If it does, that sounds like a great place to use.
By the way, I was wondering if it's possible to make MIRC close open windows when you disconnect? What I mean is if I suddenly and unexpectedly lose my Internet while AFK, when I automatically reconnect (which is what I want it to do, mind you) it automatically rejoins the channel. Sometimes the vhost doesn't enable quick enough and it totally exposes my (cloaked or not) IP. Do you know of anything that could possibly do this, str00p?
Yes, just make a perl or ruby script to close the window when the last server disconnects... Its rather simple once you lookup what the variables for connection state and window names are called... But i dont use IRC to tell you the truth... but i do know it has full support for PERL, Python and Ruby scripting languages.
Sorry it took me so long to get to this!
@HurpDurp, str00P!
Hurp, i dual-boot. Linux and Windows, i use HydraIRC and mirc(1.27) on windows. a few different clients on linux.(Cant recall them, 1 is QT based for KDE, other is popular but its too late in the AM for me to recall and the Last is a Curses based client for Terminal usage. since i have a LED-Board that null-pipe's to...
catch me on the normal channels, EFnet & Freenode for now. To be honest id forgotten about it during the summer mess!
Since you both are talking Internet tech, a little advice if you don't mind. No major write-ups, let me give you my thinking below and then just give me a few pointers to where there are tutorials or tech buzzwords to google.
A. Downloads ODP functioned as a discussion board/forum, with members uploading to various server services where the files resided for download, and sharing links on ODP. There are other forums still active - none as specific or nice as ODP. ;>). What's the best way for a user to cloak their IP address when doing downloads? It would be better if these sites didn't have your IP. Gad knows what they're tracking and eventually, under DMCA pressure, may one day disclose.
B. Torrents I know ODP didn't like torrents. I found a Russian torrent site with some "ODP" like content, but they function as a discussion board/forum where all P2P download torrents are through their torrent server. This keeps them mostly clean since no content is on their website. This leaves the content out in user P2P land and the user is open to DMCA claims as the P2P process downloads and uploads, even partial file uploads during the download. My concern is these damn new Russian capitalists state on their website Q&As they will cooperate with DMCA requests. I wouldn't be surprised if they get paid for it. They also list your IP address in your profile. They use the IP address as a member validation access mechanism to their torrent server. I see major risks in using this since they happily cooperate and have your IP address. I've also heard rumors they have been cooperating. Is there a way to cloak P2P or set up a P2P client in a country outside of DMCA jurisdiction, e.g. Russia, where P2P is legal, and then just download the completed files, maybe encrypted. I know that's complex, but you never know until you ask.
1) A proxy of some kind, it's best you buy a private proxy over a public one, otherwise you won't be able to download shit because they'll all be used up. 2) A virtual private network (VPN) or a virtual private server (VPS). Essentially some company will be hosting a computer for you to connect to, so your IP will be their IP and whatever you download will be downloaded onto that computer. Of course, you'll want to find one that's completely anonymous, meaning they delete their logs every day. 3) TOR. Slow as shit and full of CP, but at least it's free.
B.) Move to Russia and get a Russian IP? Otherwise, you'll have to use one of the above things (Aren't these just the same question again anyway?)
@HurpDurp, yes you can. Go to tools->options->IRC, deselect "rejoin channels on connect". As for cloaking, is it in your perform? You can go to tools->options->connect->options and open the perform menu, then just put the command you want to perform on connect (like "//mode $me +h") in there. This SHOULD always go before any other actions taken by mIRC after it's connected to a server.
@asmithee, really the only thing I can recommend is using an offshore VPS or Dedicated server which is paid for with a prepaid credit card. Doesn't get much better than that but I have to admit, I don't do that. It really depends on the sites I visit, I only use my foreign dedicated servers to bypass for example country restrictions on some sites. As for worrying about your IP being known by the torrent tracker, you should be far more worried about people in the swarm (the people you're downloading from and uploading to) knowing your IP. A year ago a project was launched that collected all the IP's from users on public torrent trackers and stored them in a database including the files that were downloaded. You could enter an IP and get all the stuff people on that IP downloaded. For someone like me with a static IP that can be pretty shitty if someone you know knows your IP ( They're not updating anymore atm, but there could be more on the way and setting a logging operation like this up takes some resources but isn't hard at all. Prepare for something major like this in the future and also realize that if these guys can do it for the lulz, the agencies actually after you for the money can do it too.
You didn't read what I said correctly. I WANT to automatically reconnect when I disconnect, however when you reconnect that means your vhost and/or clocking isn't automatically enabled because you join the channel(s) before mIRC can perform the buffer (/nickserv identify, /hostserv on, etc). I would like to close all open windows so that mIRC can perform the buffer before opening up the chats I was just in, because the buffer also has /join #channel in it. Do you understand now? I assume it could be done with a script, but I dunno how to make those and Google doesn't given me any results at all.
By the way, there are like over 9001 of those youhavedownloaded sites now, str00p (I've even seen one that's a business that specifically SELLS the data to the copyright owners). I've never popped up on any either, I'm so awesome~
Im no expert in either scripting language hurp... i wouldnt really know where to start.. Im a amatuer at best when it come's to perl, and Ruby, my talents are more suited to apache than any system-side uses... i suck at scripting and programming anyways...
VPS's are the way to go, but again, paid only. There not bad in prices usually($10-20/month) which is not bad considering... but you have to have that assets to begin with... me and hurp both have gotten the short-end of the employment stick...
I have to rely on a X-Gf that i live with for support... And that sucks more than you can imagine... Not to mention a huge hit to the ego you know?
Still a fan of freenode for the obvious reasons, but recently i gave slashnet a shot and got a channel running right now...
So Freenode, Efnet or Slashnet...
I prefer Freenode for REAL Cloaking with TOR. EFnet for its channel tools and Slashnet for standard-cloaking... although there a little more strict i think...
(starts to think "those last parts were a great add-on to that reply)
Nah! But it HAS been a while... :( Still got hope though, too good of a community to fizzle out! So how are all the ODPers doing out there? Gearing up for the holidays? -Bug
same old shit, but I did get a new computer though, that and I'm trying to make some money so I can start buying the stuff I want to buy (more in-game store points, toys, and some stuff i'd rather not say).
On top of that I started to Host websites a few days ago but Not one person has signed up yet and I HOPE the ODP is my first scents that's where I started my first forum membership (Outside of gaming at any rate)
Case I finish setting up a plan for the ODP's plan (ODPP) I was hoping to set for $8.00 of the lowest it would let me price it for was $9.02. So I making $1.68 from you guys, but you get everything but unlimited domains.
>What are the rest of the features? Bandwidth, space, etc. Disk space, Traffic, MySQL Database Space, Postgres Data Space, FTP Accounts, Email Accounts, Email Aliases, Mailing List, Trouble Tickets: Unlimited Domains: 2 MSQL Database: 10 Postgres Database:8 Crontab: 5 SMTP/SSH: yes Free domain for life: 1 >And is that 9 bucks a month or a year or what? a month
Setup fee (only once): $0.00 --- New Account signup Monthly Price $9.02 (I get .14¢) Annual Price $108.24 (I get $1.68 yearly)
ok I just asked a Representative that I run my hosting from and was told that I can't host: infringe on any third party`s intellectual property or proprietary rights, or rights of publicity or Privacy - violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation - are defamatory, trade libelous, threatening, unlawfully harassing, abusive, pornographic or obscene - has Adult Sites (content) - Any erotic or pornographic material, links to adult sites, or advertisements for adult sites
but I still say you might be able work around that thought
ya thats why started looking for a new place to earn money from but i'll have wait 24 hours for this damn company to finish setting up my new site -.- (had a free site from them)
Yeah, sorry. If it doesn't allow porn, it's not going to be useful. Copyright infringement is rather ever cared about (it's the fucking internet), but they actually DO policy pornographic websites when they aren't allowed.
On a related note, you own a server for hosting websites and you can't give out space completely free to your friends? :(
Looks like it's pictures only, it's against the rules to post any mp3s or videos there. Not useful for people who went to Hypnochan as a replacement of ODP for getting MP3s and videos.
It did? Possibly, I didn't visit much as there wasn't much content or threads worth discussing anything in. I think I once started a thread about NLP wich got 1 reply. It's times like that when I miss the good ol ODP.
The day Snooki's child is due? FUCK!!!!
ReplyDeleteHaha i lol´d
ReplyDeleteHmm, Isabella wrote a new script but she didn't perform it, Mona Blu did.
I wonder if it's any good, anyone listened to it yet?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it's more non-hypnotic "tantric" and chakra crap.
How will Access to the "Ultimate VIP" Portion be conducted?
If/When The site goes back up, will it be based upon
SP(Share Points) - Or will it be through Paying, or both.
I am curious of how it will work, If I do remember correctly it we going to be based upon the amount of Share Points due to PayPal not accepting "Donations".
Will there even be "Ultimate VIP"?
I'm personally against the whole "paying for pirated content" concept, so I don't see you ever needing to donate money.
DeleteI personally think we should do Away with the "Ultimate VIP" Section, for one. Regardless of the fact people were not allowed to post in the Non VIP areas, you'd still see people claiming they Uploaded a new file, when someone else already Had it in "Ultimate VIP".
If something like "Ultimate VIP" will be there, I belive it should function based upon trust.
For instance if
Member A uploaded a file to "Ultimate VIP" it stays there Unless stated otherwise in post/rules,
Then Member B Takes the file and Posts it in the Non Vip area without permission. Thus revoking his/her right to enter the "Ultimate VIP" Section.
..What? It was against the rules to take something from VIP and post it outside of VIP. In fact, posting stuff from VIP elsewhere didn't just make you lose your VIP, it made you lose your whole membership entirely. (This includes both the regular, non-VIP section of ODP as well as on other websites. If we could figure out who you are, we would ban you.)
DeleteThe only people allowed to post something from the VIP in the regular member section were the people who originally made threads in the VIP section (which is why I occasionally told people requesting for things in VIP to go PM the guy who posted it).
I'm not sure what the first part of your message is referring to however. Was it that time when Brown temporarily suspended file posting so he could implement the FileAdder?
Yes I belive it was.
DeleteWell that had already stopped being in effect for like 5 months before the site died.
DeleteI like the idea of paying for pirated content because not everybody has good upload speeds for torrents or has the ability or new content to upload.
DeleteToo bad. I'm not having a racketeering charge thrown on top.
DeleteAlso, if you can afford to pay for pirated content, you have the ability to purchase, download and reupload new content.
What about the people who have already donated money to become VIP?
ReplyDeleteWhat about them?
DeleteActually if I remember correctly, the money that purchased/donated VIP was to/for the previous owner of OurDirtyPleasure. The monies for VIP were before Brown bought the board.
DeleteThe only people during Brown's ownership that became VIP earned that privilege by posting files and helping to contribute to the boards material.
We rewarded people who really contributed by making them VIP when they earned it.
Brown did it for like a month before closing it up for good to allow people who previously purchased VIP from DP to keep it after he restructured for "Ultimate VIP".
DeleteWe get fake china patterns and will not be discriminated against.
ReplyDeleteHey guys is this site ever coming back? I enjoyed it when it was around.
ReplyDeleteMan, how depressing. Are you guys waiting until everyone loses interest and stops checking in before you reboot this sucker? Good plan, actually. I approve.
DeleteWhat happened to the guy that offered to donate a server? Is there any action going on related to this offer?
ReplyDeleteThere were two different people who offered servers.
DeleteBut does that even matter? Without the stuff CN has, it's impossible to upload anything to them.
so just start something new and fresh. having something new is far better than not having something old
DeleteBut the site is invite only. How will anyone have accounts...?
DeleteMake it open for everyone for 1-2 months
DeleteNo. We want people who are actually going to participate in the community. Not stupid hypnowhales and subs reporting links. Not to mention spammers and leechers.
Delete1) It's better then nothing
Delete2) You can ban all spammers and leechers after closing registration
How? This would require more work for everyone involved, because the site won't look or feel like the original in any way whatsoever.
DeleteWe'd have to remake EVERY board. There were at least over a hundred and fifty. We'd have set up all the permissions for each board manually, per board and per group (10 groups at 100 boards = 1000 permissions).
And all of this would go to waste when all of the links are deleted 4 minutes after they're posted because of all the whales joining.
There's not a single positive thing about this idea.
You can set 2-3 groups and 10-15 boards for start
DeleteOr how about I do it the way I want or not do it at all?
DeleteAlso, your idea isn't fair for all of the members who were VIP.
>Also, your idea isn't fair for all of the members who were VIP.
DeleteYeah. Doing nothing - that is really fair for the VIPs. May be we should ask them?
>Or how about I do it the way I want or not do it at all?
I simply offer to act gradually. All or nothing aproach - suck.
Your idea makes them lose everything, least of all their proper status as a very important person to our community.
DeleteBy the way, I'm now ignoring you until you grow a pair and start using your ODP username.
>Your idea makes them lose everything, least of all their proper status as a very important person to our community.
DeleteNow they have nothing. What can they lose?
You can organize the recovery status. Come up with a few questions, the answers to which can only know VIPs.
They should have files that are not in the public domain. Share = status recovery.
>By the way, I'm now ignoring you until you grow a pair and start using your ODP username.
Gmaer. I only had time to write a couple of posts before closing.
DeleteNow I get why you're so adamant about us being public! Your account was on the inactive list!
> Now they have nothing. What can they lose?
Apparently they'll be losing enough for them to CONSTANTLY ask whether or not they'll still have VIP when the site starts up again in the comments on this blog over nine thousand different times.
LOL. I thought you had only severely outdated database and you can not find it.
DeleteSo you have a database. There are people ready to pay the bills. What's the problem? Where is the site?
It's a .txt of all the people phpBB output with the parameters I inserted into the prune script that I then had to manually go through individually to confirm whether or not their account should really be removed.
DeleteAnd those two people haven't sent me any messages in awhile, so I don't even know if either of them are still interested in "paying the bills".
Also, it wasn't just the database I needed, I needed the whole website backup (the .php files). Restoring the database without all of the EDITED phpBB files would BREAK THE WEBSITE because phpBB is shit-tier. ಠ_ಠ
Yeah, Hurp knew ODP when it was "My Dirty Pleasure," something you guys wouldn't get, you probably not with it enough...
ReplyDeleteSO the issue is that CN is not reachble or not willing to install the stuff on the new servers?
ReplyDeleteHypnochan is cracking down and sucks. I Miss ODP. But for the time being, where could I go to get new guided fantasies/hypno?
ReplyDeleteI've said it multiple times, but here it goes again. Do not link to copyright infringing materials.
DeleteThis includes linking to websites that link to copyrighted material. (Yes, that means NO Google links either.)
I don't know about you, but I'd rather this blog be online so I can tell you when and where ODP starts back up (because it's no longer a .com, I already own the new domain name).
Yes, having the blog taken down would sort of ruin everything, and I for one would like to be informed of the new site's url, as well as when it is up. If the blog is gone, that might not happen.
DeleteGood to see some progress getting the site back up.
DeleteIMO new domain name is progress if. Com is not going to be used.
So any clues to the new dot,'what???' extension ?
I want to keep the domain name hidden until we're ready to launch the website.
DeleteI would be happy if the site came back just to discuss hypnosis again. Even if all we did was review mistress's files and discuss new ones and share self made content, i'd be totally fine with that.
ReplyDeleteso when site comes back will vip members from old site be able to return or have to pay again or how do u think that will work?
ReplyDeleteWe stopped accepting donations for VIP a long time before the website even went down.
DeleteIf memory serves, it was one day. And those people are still good, right?
DeleteIt is nice to see people still going strong with ODP. I hope for the best.
ReplyDeletei know vip donations was stopped but anyone who was all ready vip when it stopped will they be vip again automaticlly when ever site returns?
ReplyDeleteHaven't I answered this question like 5 times already?
Deletesorry i might have missed it i thought u said yes like long ago but then i saw some post lately that made me wonder if i missunderstood
DeleteI really miss odp, hopefully you guys can sort the things out that would be needed :)
ReplyDelete(and from briefly scanning this "you guys" seems to about 95% hurp)
There are other ones around also. Some of us just read and watch more than we talk.
Hey everyone, I have good news!
ReplyDeleteODP will be restored in it's original state and will be up and running within the next week. All old members who have filled in a REAL email address will receive an email with the new url.
Nah man, I'm just screwing with you. TEEHEE. Also, cocks.
I would have thought someone would have looked and said something by now.
DeleteMaybe they just aren't paying attention after all.
Nah, it's just obviously fake. I never sign anything with ~Cn :P
DeleteSeriously though, heard anything from Mn since then?
Actually, I've gotten over half a dollar from that image. So it's been viewed over 500 times.
DeleteAs soon as I got your email CN, I sent MN an email asking "WUTDO" before emailing Legina cuz he (MN) showed interest in hosting it himself previously. He replied later on that day saying "wait three days", 4 days later I again send him an email asking "WUT DO" to which he said "wait until Wednesday".
So... Now you're all caught up. You could've just emailed me if you wanted to know. ◉︵◉
That database looks delicious hurp.
DeleteAlso as to reply to DarkstarRidenow's post below, yes, that joke was intended to scare people who didn't fill in a real email address.
I get why people wouldn't want to use a real email with a porn related board though, hence the reason I used my secondary account which doesn't include my full name. Everyone should have a secondary account for sites they don't want their real name associated with..
Yeah, I don't understand why people don't use legitimate emails either. I can understand not using your email you use for personal things, but why the hell can't you just make a spam email?
Deletest00p, your joke actually hit on one of my pet peeves as a Global Moderator. I have a problem with seeing faked/junk email addresses that were listed under the User's information.
ReplyDeleteI really do hope the info gets sent to the email address that members listed in their accounts. I know there will be quiet a few members that would/will never get the new information.
Understand my reasoning on the valid emails though. If we needed to contact a User concerning a post, approving a posting, problems, etc. we had 3 options.
1 - PM on the board. Problem is some people never looked at their PMs. I know I had PMs that were never looked at for months.
2 - Open posts on the Forum. Addes useless traffic, airs private matters, etc. Really not effective.
3 - email the User. If no valid email address then then wasn't even an option.
The other point about the valid email address was if an account was and/or got deactivated, the reactivation email would never reach the User.
Just my thoughts about what you said.
actually for the record every time I got a PM I read it >_<;; but then I rarely got bugged for stuff tbh.
Delete:( mfw I had to go back and change from 'get' to 'got' (past tense)
I might be able to host ODP if money is the issue.
ReplyDeleteI never trust anybody who uses the name Tyler Durden on the internet.
ReplyDeleteEven the ODP moderator?
DeleteAre there any other free sites that offer erotic hypno stuff? No links, just say yes or no and maybe a search string as a hint. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteYes. Hypnochan in TOR
DeletePlease do not talk about places that have child pornography.
Deleteit seems as if its been eradicated of cp
DeleteIt's TOR. It's never eradicated of CP.
DeleteHow much looooonnnnggerrrrr???
ReplyDeleteThe guy who offered the server won't respond to my email.
DeleteAnyone knows what this is?
ReplyDeleteSmall amount of posts on it are from July.. Don't know if something's still going on there?
Anyway, miss the site alot. Can't seem to find good stuff on the internet anywhere.
That's not us. I wouldn't go there if I were you, going there might set off a trap card and you'll find yourself in prison or getting over nine thousand dollars in lawsuits.
Delete"How hilarious/You just set off my trap card/Your death approaches" Zero the Assassin
DeleteLess than three.
DeleteI left my real email address, but I haven't received anything?
ReplyDeleteIf you're not receiving any emails, you should get in contact with your email service provider and inform them that you aren't receiving emails.
DeleteI am receiving emails in general. I just haven't received the email telling me the new url. I signed up under this name I think.
Perhaps the site isn't back up yet, or the emails haven't gone out.
Deletew8 is the site back?
ReplyDeleteI was an old ViP member but i hasnt received any mail either.
ReplyDeleteI was a member of the old site, not overly active but I did have a few share points to my name, and I'm curious about what's going on with the new site. I'm not sure what email address I signed up with anymore or if my spam filter would have grabbed any emails regarding a new site. I'd be glad for an update regarding this.
ReplyDeleteYou are a bunch of idoits if you don't understand Hurps sarcasm till now. The site will never come up. CN has disappeared and along with him the database. Hurp is an incompetend and lazy idiot. Thats why he never ever came to the solution to start the site again from scratch on the variours servers offered to him.
ReplyDeleteNo, I really do have the database and files.
DeleteBluemoby said he is no longer offering us a server because he doesn't have any time to maintain the website (so it's GOOD thing we never started using his site, which would have not been anything like the original ODP and none of us liked that idea) and Legina will not reply to my email at all. Also, "variours"? How is two various?
You were right about me being sarcastic in my last comment, however. The site is not back yet, that's why no one has received any emails.
Hurp, don't be an "idoit..."
Deletei will hack your future site hahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteThat moment when you realize you forgot the email you used to sign up for odp :-\
ReplyDeleteHow many email could u possibly have?
DeleteI currently have an unlimited amount of emails.
DeleteCurrently pending. . .
DeleteI think Lee @11u®e is a lesbian. Her youtube channel convinces me of this. Just a random observation.
ReplyDeleteand so what ?
ReplyDeleteSo what? SO LET'S DANCE!!!!
ReplyDeleteso that's that then :(
ReplyDelete"Notice: This domain name expired on 09/20/2012 and is pending renewal or deletion"
I'm fairly certain I said I'm not using the .com anymore.
Deleteah didn't notice it was the .com only. le gasp! A starter of a page o_O {smacks self for not realising
DeleteI miss ODP. :/
ReplyDeleteHypnochan is apparently dead
ReplyDelete2012 effect ?
ReplyDelete" was taken down due to multiple DMCA complaints. We have absolutely no control over this. "
ReplyDelete...from their IRC channel, no surprise their host was shit.
Can't believe there have been still DMCAs even after they almost banned everything. No big loss with those restrictions in place.
ReplyDeleteHey folks! How's the re-boot going? Looking forward to the new and improved site! <----------------trying to stay positive...
Wake up!
ReplyDeleteNo one here is working on a revival of ODP and it will not come back by itself, I'm afraid.
Oh... Guess I'll just cancel the domain name and delete the database and files.
DeleteHang in there Hurp. Wish it were easier to collaborate on getting this up and running... as it is, I can't imagine how that could happen, esp if people weren't connected via other means before the lapse in the site. What a stupid way to go down... I really hope you and whoever steps up can get this together. Less for the files than for the honest assessment of the dommes' wares. No paid infomercials, no slaves guumming up the reviews - just like minded people giving critiques and heads up. I felt better buying files after getting a better idea of them from ODP. I honestly haven't bought a file since (not for being vindictive, but because a 30 second sample isn't enough for me to trust anything enough to spend 30-50 bucks at a pop on a file that will probably be disappointing). ODP helped separate the wheat from the chaff, and that's what I'll miss most about it (until it's triumphant return). See, still hopeful!
I recently thought up a new idea for ODP (that I already told MN about, but no one else) that would probably piss off a lot of the user base EXCEPT people like you, the main target audience of the whole website (that is to say, people who review the recordings and help us find out what is shit and is not shit).
DeleteIt would require a lot of participation on the website if you really want to be able to download stuff. Way better than Brown's original idea for activity every so often, this would essentially force activity at least once a day.
I was waiting for the site to come back before asking what the other staff thought about it but... ┐(‘~`;)┌
Hey hurp,
DeleteJust wondering how this would effect users who don't frequently have anything valuable to say or don't use erotic hypnosis on a regular basis?
Personally I only get time once or twice a month and I can see a number of people would face the same issue.
You'd be fucked.
DeleteActivity once a day. Well, good luck with that. I'm fairly high up in certain 'scenes' and for some of my access I dont even connect every single week. What if someone get's sick for half a month, loses internet, has to move, vacations, work, school, etc.
DeleteNot everyone here has a lazy schedule once they're home from work at 5 sharp and losing access to sections or losing access entirely after such a short timespan would essentially kill your shit off fast leaving only a small group of elitists running the show.
I don't think you're thinking about a community here but something in the range of running an ftp site with ratios and quotas.
I'll add though that back in the day I would log in to ODP nearly every single day. That wouldn't mean I was actively participating every single day though. Participating to participate will only get you bad content and uninteresting topics.
DeleteYou're VIP. This doesn't affect you (as much). ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
DeleteAbout people replying: It'll make more sense once it actually comes out (assuming it does), but in short posting longer messages helps you more. Spamming will obviously not help you and cause you to lose your account completely. And before anyone asks, yes, the site would still be invite only, so spamming and losing your account is probably not a good idea. Also, my idea not only encourages constructive and helpful criticism of hypnotists, but also encourages sharing because sharing helps you to be able to download stuff yourself. Oh, and it also makes the likelihood of files being reported drop substantially.
Granted, we'll probably have to hire a few more staff members (LOLUWANTANONPAYINGJOBLOL?) but that's fine by me.
Also, keep in mind it's only an idea I thought up while taking a shit. Other than MN, no one knows about it. Hell, I don't even know if it's even feasible. I can't code any language for shit, so unless one of the other staff members is able to (CN is the only know I'm aware of with this knowledge, but he's been increasingly busy as of late in his real life) it more than likely won't happen.
I get some of my best ideas while taking a shit. Also, when I'm trying to sleep. I should really get one of those voicerecorders they use in movies..
DeleteSounds interesting Hurp, and I'm for anything that gets the site (and community) back up and running. Will be staying tuned...
Anyone know what happened to hypnochan?
ReplyDeleteOver 9000 DMCAs.
DeleteWHAT 9000! {snaps reader}
Deleteit sucks, so now what?
Deletenow.. we wait...
DeleteFuck this busy life. I don't come in for a few weeks, and suddenly it's gone:( Well fuck. That rather sucks.
DeleteI just hope Taz wasn't fined or some shit. I really don't know how these things work.
no more like he said "sod it, not worth fighting" and deleted the site (according to IRC also all the backup data etc).
DeleteEssentially he took the Gintoki approach :|
but tbh I don't blame the guys, they tried to play ball and forgot that the people they are playing with would rather steal the ball than play fair.
To be honest, nothing of substance was lost. I'll miss the Japanese thread, but that's about it.
DeleteI feel awful tho, I promised those two bros in that thread invites. Now I'll never be able to :(
Speaking of that IRC, I was considering lurking there... but I assume the chat would be flooded with "OMG ODP WHAR" all of the time. :(
DeleteHave you seen the new Ally video @Kismet?
ReplyDeleteIt looks incredibly sexy!
In regard to the new domain name, I might have possibly effed up and forgotten which of my many email accounts I entered here, so if a new url was posted to it I wouldn't be able to find it, which would suck for obvious reasons...would all the accounts be the way they were before?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean? Like account name and password? Yes, those shouldn't change.
DeleteYeah that's what I meant. I thought you might be resetting everything for some reason, when do you aim to be online by?
DeleteWhy would you think I'd know that?
DeleteI miss our community :(
ReplyDeleteWinter is coming
ReplyDeletewould be a nice Christmas present if the site was back up and working by December :P {just a thought lol
ReplyDeleteJust thought I'd give you all a little update, there is no update. Have a nice day!
ReplyDeleteWhy do I feel like that's the 15th time you've done that?
DeleteThanks for keeping us in the loop str00p
DeleteI think someone is confused on who's who in terms of people in charge.
DeleteI, for one, am not. But is anyone really at this point? The only ones in 'charge' would be the handful of people who have a precious db laying on their hd's waiting to be imported again.. I believe we should meet up on IRC. (in b4 IRC is insecure!!!, no it's not).
DeleteI'm not suggesting IRC for filesharing, for chat.
Either that or a decent subreddit.
MN was supposed to start one, but he never did it.
DeleteYou mean a subred or an irc chan?
DeleteIRC channel. I would make it myself, but sadly MN needs to find a server that doesn't disconnect his internet, supports IP cloaking, allows vHost requesting that doesn't require an account for multiple weeks (these last two are my requirements) and allows TOR connections.
DeleteIt's actually not easy to fill all of those conditions. In fact, he hasn't found one yet (and as far as I know has been looking since JULY).
Very strange requirements. If you have ip cloaking why do you need vhost support? No one can make a case based on knowing the ISP alone (result of partial cloaking). TOR connections are obviously banned on most because it is used for ban evasion, using TOR for IRC is total bull anyway and I'd even go as far as to say it's even more insecure. Might as well rent an offshore vps then. Anyway, despite all that I'd say LinkNet ( is a good option. I regard it as one of the most secure public networks around, doesn't require an account, cloaks ip's and has encrypted server-2-server connections as well as server-2-client connections.
DeleteAs for staying connected, if that is a major problem there are several ways to keep your connection alive through scripts that can be written in ~20 seconds. All I need to know is your client (better be mIRC if you're on windows).
Last but not least, the official TOR channel is on OFTC, I assume TOR connections are allowed there.
>If you have ip cloaking why do you need vhost support? No one can make a case based on knowing the ISP alone (result of partial cloaking).
Delete...Umm... Because not all of the IP address it actually cloaked? For example, if your IP is 12.34.567.890 and you have Comcast as your Internet Service Provider and live in Tennessee, you'd normally see "" without cloaking. With cloaking you'd see something like "". That's still telling you where that person lives (Tennessee) and what Service Provider they have (Comcast).
Now what happens if you bought 5 new files on Isabella's site (and claimed you bought them) and posted them on ODP and she's lurking the chat? What if she sees you log on and see your obfuscated Tennessee Comcast IP? What if you're the only person who lives in Tennessee with Comcast that bought those file files on her website..? Have fun getting sued. C'mon, str00p this is self evident! How can you not realize it!?
For everyone else who doesn't care about getting ass raped (IE, someone who IS NOT ME), the cloak should be enough. Plus sometimes the vhost doesn't activate quick enough. You'll totally see the IP in that case! D=
>As for staying connected, if that is a major problem there are several ways to keep your connection alive through scripts that can be written in ~20 seconds. All I need to know is your client (better be mIRC if you're on windows).
MN uses Linux, but I do believe it's MIRC.
OFTC supports neither vhost or cloaking. I can see my real IP when I whois myself (I started two separate connects and whoised the one connection on the other).
You dont have to explain to me how IRC cloaking works, I've been on irc 24/7 for the past 12 years.
DeleteLike I said, you can't make a case based on knowing the ISP, not even if you know the area someone is in.
Furthermore, I already stated IRC wouldn't be for filesharing, and if it would be, trusted members can share links in private and ofcourse use a blowfish plugin for mirc/xchat for key sharing.
Thirdly, if you buy files and share them use a proxy on the sites you buy from for added security if you're really paranoid about people linking you to your shares. Pay with prepaid CC's (this is in no way an encouragement for anyone reading this to circumvent security and/or buy files to illegally share them later).
Also, I use a BNC on IRC anyway, but I understand not everyone has access to one.
I havent tested OFTC myself, I just figured it would support TOR connections since the official chan is there, my real suggestion was LinkNet, which is also commonly used for scene and security related shit.
Last but not least, I can contact the OPERs from a private IRCD that I know and might be able to arange access for us there. Cloaking, vhosts, entirely private and TOR allowed.
>Like I said, you can't make a case based on knowing the ISP, not even if you know the area someone is in.
DeleteI disagree. You probably wouldn't lose the case, but you'll still likely get a lawsuit. (Or at least the THREAT of a lawsuit, which is what normally scares people into stopping. Yes, let's reduce the number of people who actually DO share stuff in this already niche as fuck niche. Or, you know, do my idea and not have anyone complaining about anything.)
> Furthermore, I already stated IRC wouldn't be for filesharing
And I never said it was. I was referring to the actual website or any other piracy related website (such as Hiddenchan).
> Thirdly, if you buy files and share them use a proxy on the sites you buy from for added security if you're really paranoid about people linking you to your shares. Pay with prepaid CC's (this is in no way an encouragement for anyone reading this to circumvent security and/or buy files to illegally share them later).
That wouldn't help for already purchased files or people who didn't think about that originally.
Or in my case: being too much of a lazy faggot to give a shit about not using real informatin.
>my real suggestion was LinkNet, which is also commonly used for scene and security related shit.
LinkNet is out of the question because nicknames and channels cannot be registered. It's totally redundant if anyone can claim to be me and own the ODP channel. Also, if anyone is claiming to be me or any other staff from ODP and owns an ODP channel, they aren't us. Don't trust them. I don't care if that's less secure, I don't want people saying they're me. :(
>Last but not least, I can contact the OPERs from a private IRCD that I know and might be able to arange access for us there. Cloaking, vhosts, entirely private and TOR allowed.
MN would need to see if it accepts his Internet first. If it does, that sounds like a great place to use.
By the way, I was wondering if it's possible to make MIRC close open windows when you disconnect? What I mean is if I suddenly and unexpectedly lose my Internet while AFK, when I automatically reconnect (which is what I want it to do, mind you) it automatically rejoins the channel. Sometimes the vhost doesn't enable quick enough and it totally exposes my (cloaked or not) IP. Do you know of anything that could possibly do this, str00p?
DeleteYes, just make a perl or ruby script to close the window when the last server disconnects... Its rather simple once you lookup what the variables for connection state and window names are called... But i dont use IRC to tell you the truth... but i do know it has full support for PERL, Python and Ruby scripting languages.
Sorry it took me so long to get to this!
@HurpDurp, str00P!
Hurp, i dual-boot. Linux and Windows, i use HydraIRC and mirc(1.27) on windows. a few different clients on linux.(Cant recall them, 1 is QT based for KDE, other is popular but its too late in the AM for me to recall and the Last is a Curses based client for Terminal usage. since i have a LED-Board that null-pipe's to...
catch me on the normal channels, EFnet & Freenode for now. To be honest id forgotten about it during the summer mess!
Hi All,
DeleteSince you both are talking Internet tech, a little advice if you don't mind. No major write-ups, let me give you my thinking below and then just give me a few pointers to where there are tutorials or tech buzzwords to google.
A. Downloads
ODP functioned as a discussion board/forum, with members uploading to various server services where the files resided for download, and sharing links on ODP. There are other forums still active - none as specific or nice as ODP. ;>). What's the best way for a user to cloak their IP address when doing downloads? It would be better if these sites didn't have your IP. Gad knows what they're tracking and eventually, under DMCA pressure, may one day disclose.
B. Torrents
I know ODP didn't like torrents. I found a Russian torrent site with some "ODP" like content, but they function as a discussion board/forum where all P2P download torrents are through their torrent server. This keeps them mostly clean since no content is on their website. This leaves the content out in user P2P land and the user is open to DMCA claims as the P2P process downloads and uploads, even partial file uploads during the download. My concern is these damn new Russian capitalists state on their website Q&As they will cooperate with DMCA requests. I wouldn't be surprised if they get paid for it. They also list your IP address in your profile. They use the IP address as a member validation access mechanism to their torrent server. I see major risks in using this since they happily cooperate and have your IP address. I've also heard rumors they have been cooperating.
Is there a way to cloak P2P or set up a P2P client in a country outside of DMCA jurisdiction, e.g. Russia, where P2P is legal, and then just download the completed files, maybe encrypted. I know that's complex, but you never know until you ask.
A) A couple of choices:
Delete1) A proxy of some kind, it's best you buy a private proxy over a public one, otherwise you won't be able to download shit because they'll all be used up.
2) A virtual private network (VPN) or a virtual private server (VPS). Essentially some company will be hosting a computer for you to connect to, so your IP will be their IP and whatever you download will be downloaded onto that computer. Of course, you'll want to find one that's completely anonymous, meaning they delete their logs every day.
3) TOR. Slow as shit and full of CP, but at least it's free.
B.) Move to Russia and get a Russian IP? Otherwise, you'll have to use one of the above things (Aren't these just the same question again anyway?)
@MN: Can you do that for me? :3
@HurpDurp, yes you can. Go to tools->options->IRC, deselect "rejoin channels on connect".
DeleteAs for cloaking, is it in your perform? You can go to tools->options->connect->options and open the perform menu, then just put the command you want to perform on connect (like "//mode $me +h") in there. This SHOULD always go before any other actions taken by mIRC after it's connected to a server.
@asmithee, really the only thing I can recommend is using an offshore VPS or Dedicated server which is paid for with a prepaid credit card. Doesn't get much better than that but I have to admit, I don't do that.
DeleteIt really depends on the sites I visit, I only use my foreign dedicated servers to bypass for example country restrictions on some sites.
As for worrying about your IP being known by the torrent tracker, you should be far more worried about people in the swarm (the people you're downloading from and uploading to) knowing your IP. A year ago a project was launched that collected all the IP's from users on public torrent trackers and stored them in a database including the files that were downloaded.
You could enter an IP and get all the stuff people on that IP downloaded. For someone like me with a static IP that can be pretty shitty if someone you know knows your IP ( They're not updating anymore atm, but there could be more on the way and setting a logging operation like this up takes some resources but isn't hard at all. Prepare for something major like this in the future and also realize that if these guys can do it for the lulz, the agencies actually after you for the money can do it too.
You didn't read what I said correctly. I WANT to automatically reconnect when I disconnect, however when you reconnect that means your vhost and/or clocking isn't automatically enabled because you join the channel(s) before mIRC can perform the buffer (/nickserv identify, /hostserv on, etc). I would like to close all open windows so that mIRC can perform the buffer before opening up the chats I was just in, because the buffer also has /join #channel in it. Do you understand now? I assume it could be done with a script, but I dunno how to make those and Google doesn't given me any results at all.
DeleteBy the way, there are like over 9001 of those youhavedownloaded sites now, str00p (I've even seen one that's a business that specifically SELLS the data to the copyright owners). I've never popped up on any either, I'm so awesome~
DeleteIm no expert in either scripting language hurp... i wouldnt really know where to start.. Im a amatuer at best when it come's to perl, and Ruby, my talents are more suited to apache than any system-side uses... i suck at scripting and programming anyways...
VPS's are the way to go, but again, paid only. There not bad in prices usually($10-20/month) which is not bad considering... but you have to have that assets to begin with... me and hurp both have gotten the short-end of the employment stick...
I have to rely on a X-Gf that i live with for support... And that sucks more than you can imagine... Not to mention a huge hit to the ego you know?
Still a fan of freenode for the obvious reasons, but recently i gave slashnet a shot and got a channel running right now...
So Freenode, Efnet or Slashnet...
I prefer Freenode for REAL Cloaking with TOR. EFnet for its channel tools and Slashnet for standard-cloaking... although there a little more strict i think...
Splashnet? Really?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRIP ODP
(starts to think "those last parts were a great add-on to that reply)
ReplyDeleteNah! But it HAS been a while... :(
ReplyDeleteStill got hope though, too good of a community to fizzle out!
So how are all the ODPers doing out there? Gearing up for the holidays?
same old shit, but I did get a new computer though, that and I'm trying to make some money so I can start buying the stuff I want to buy (more in-game store points, toys, and some stuff i'd rather not say).
DeleteOn top of that I started to Host websites a few days ago but Not one person has signed up yet and I HOPE the ODP is my first scents that's where I started my first forum membership (Outside of gaming at any rate)
Big props to hurp and the guys for truckin on. Hope to be pleasantly surprised by the revival of this great site some time in the future!
ReplyDeletedecember 21st 2012 is fast approaching, i can't wait for ODP to come back up
ReplyDeleteYou do know that was a joke about the Mayan calendar end of the world thing, right?
DeleteSo when are you guys gonna announce it?
DeleteAnnounce what?
Deletewell I just started a site hosting website so if you want me to host it thats fine by me.
ReplyDeletehell i'll even set up a private plan for the ODP.
I fucking miss you guys
@HurpDurp: i'm keeping the plan off the site until I know for sure that you want me to host the ODP.
Deleteheres my site btw
Case I finish setting up a plan for the ODP's plan (ODPP) I was hoping to set for $8.00 of the lowest it would let me price it for was $9.02.
DeleteSo I making $1.68 from you guys, but you get everything but unlimited domains.
Do you own that whole website or just have a plan under them? Because that host doesn't seem to allow pr0n, DD.
DeleteWhat are the rest of the features? Bandwidth, space, etc.
And is that 9 bucks a month or a year or what?
>What are the rest of the features? Bandwidth, space, etc.
DeleteDisk space, Traffic, MySQL Database Space, Postgres Data Space, FTP Accounts, Email Accounts, Email Aliases, Mailing List, Trouble Tickets: Unlimited
Domains: 2
MSQL Database: 10
Postgres Database:8
Crontab: 5
Free domain for life: 1
>And is that 9 bucks a month or a year or what?
a month
Setup fee (only once): $0.00
New Account signup
Monthly Price $9.02 (I get .14¢)
Annual Price $108.24 (I get $1.68 yearly)
And the porn thing?
Deleteok I just asked a Representative that I run my hosting from and was told that I can't host:
ReplyDeleteinfringe on any third party`s intellectual property or proprietary rights, or rights of publicity or Privacy
- violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation
- are defamatory, trade libelous, threatening, unlawfully harassing, abusive, pornographic or obscene
- has Adult Sites (content) - Any erotic or pornographic material, links to adult sites, or advertisements for adult sites
but I still say you might be able work around that thought
If that's the case, if you were to host us you'd end up having your account terminated rather quickly.
Deleteya thats why started looking for a new place to earn money from but i'll have wait 24 hours for this damn company to finish setting up my new site -.-
ReplyDelete(had a free site from them)
Yeah, sorry. If it doesn't allow porn, it's not going to be useful. Copyright infringement is rather ever cared about (it's the fucking internet), but they actually DO policy pornographic websites when they aren't allowed.
DeleteOn a related note, you own a server for hosting websites and you can't give out space completely free to your friends? :(
I don't own a sever sadly.
Deleteok here is my new site that i'm using (its my site but not my severs plus the allow porn :D)
DeleteYou know DD, no one in their right mind would buy anything from you when all you have is a subdomain, not a real website.
Deleteon a side note:
DeleteWhen I get the Money and can afford to keep it running I'll give the ODP free hosting for as long as I live and that's a promise.
ya but i can't afford to buy a domain for my self let alone keep it up and running and i'm working on fixing that when I can afford it
DeleteYou expect to run a business and you can't even afford 10 bucks a month yourself? :/
DeleteYou can't afford a domain? That's like 4/12 dollar a year depending on the tld.
DeleteHey it could work -.-
ReplyDeleteNo it couldn't. Most people aren't stupid, they'll think it's a scam. :(
DeleteIsabella Valentine have uploaded a new recording called Horny Weather Girl. Anyone heard it yet?
ReplyDeleteWould really appreciate review.
DeleteNo one has reviewed (or shared) any of her recent stuff. This will likely continue the trend.
Deleteshe's been even more weird after her hospital visit a few months ago...
Deleteneed i say more?
For those who are interested a new site has risen from the ashes of Hypnochan called sleepymaid
ReplyDeleteI wont post the link just google it
Thank you for the site!
DeleteLooks like it's pictures only, it's against the rules to post any mp3s or videos there. Not useful for people who went to Hypnochan as a replacement of ODP for getting MP3s and videos.
DeleteEhh.. who needs pictures. MP3's or Videos. As much as hypnochan was nothing, this is even worse. Also, it has a furry board. No offense.
DeleteHypnochan had a furry section too, didn't it?
DeleteIt did? Possibly, I didn't visit much as there wasn't much content or threads worth discussing anything in. I think I once started a thread about NLP wich got 1 reply. It's times like that when I miss the good ol ODP.
DeleteYeah, I remember people going crazy over loli/shota furry pr0n.
DeleteNone taken! Its not my thing either just thought some people might be interested