Hey CN and Dark, check your fucking email. Goddamn.
- Hurp of Durp
Update: Jackpot 7 is out, and it sucks ass (HOW UNEXPECTED). I wrote a review in the comments below. Go read it. You may have to press "Load more" to read it (you definitely have to, to see the responses to that comment).
And don't ask where to get it. And don't post where to get it. I swear, if you do and I'm able to find out who you are, I WILL permanently ban you from ODP. Doing so would only give Isabella just cause to report this blog and get it removed. If that happens, how will you ever find out about where to go to get access to the website again?
Well, I'll still send out the emails... But none of you used real email addresses, so how would that help at all?