This is the official blog for Our Dirty Pleasure | Regulated and updated by brown2318 | Latest updates regarding ODP

Calm Down Dos

PhpBB has a major bug (that the developers won't recognize as an actual bug because they apparently cannot reproduce it) that causes the server MYSQL database to lock up from continuous requests to the database or something.

Anyway, there's nothing we can do about it. Brown has to contact his host and tell them to reboot the mysql database so it can get rid of locked up requests.

So... dunno how long that'll take.

Calm Down!

So I forgot to pay the server bill on time because I was busy playing with Fireworks, and you lot thought I'd done a runner?! ;P

All the staff members now have a proper, non-ODP email for me which they can get in touch with me... and I've changed my invoice to a subscription which will make it automatic.

O.K, so I've been away for a while... and will continue being a way for a little longer - but seriously, I wouldn't abandon ODP - the amount of time and money invested by me and the staff!

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the Firework period!