This is the official blog for Our Dirty Pleasure | Regulated and updated by brown2318 | Latest updates regarding ODP


... we're down.

Published 19:04 UTC/GMT | 14 March 2011


Nothing we can do apart from pray.


Published 09:32 UTC/GMT | 12 March 2011


... but we're down. Not much I can do guys, looks like we're going to have to sit it out and wait until the hosts wake up. There's not much point contacting them, because by the time I get a response the apocolypse would have been over, and we'd all be wiped off the face of the earth.

On a different note, let's show our huge condolences to Japan. Absolute shocking news, probably will be without doubt the greatest natural disaster of this decade. The 6th largest Earthquake ever with a rating of 8.9 on the scale. Traumatic; our thoughts are with those whom are suffering, and let's just hope they start to repair the awful and massive devastation caused.

Published 17:07 UTC/GMT | March 11 2011